Sunday, March 18, 2012

So busy!!

I just got done watching the walking dead (such and awesome show AND an awesome season finale!) and now I figure is a good time to update the blog.  

Friday was a busy day.  I was up SO early and I promised that I was going to show what I look at on a daily basis to do the forecast.  I took some screen shots Friday morning...try not to be overwhelmed.  Haha

This is what I look at for severe weather
Lots of numerical data

cloud coverage and precipitation
mid-low level temperatures and vorticity(spin)

relative humidity and wind speed...for fog
dew points and wind speed for overnight lows

 So these are the screens I look at.  And put it all down in my forecast page and draw out a forecast from all the available information.  Friday morning was a slow start but the forecast came out pretty good.  AND it looks like even from then to now, the chance for severe weather still exists. 

Rather than go home and nap at the end of my Friday I went to the gym for the 3rd time.  I think this is the most I've frequented the gym in a long time.  But the traffic West bound on the interstate was NASTY!  I have no idea what it was.  Eastbound is usually the crappy traffic on a Friday.  Well anyway, I left at 4:50 to get to the gym by 5 or so and traffic took me to about 5:45 at the gym so I missed the 5pm group but turns out that was probably for the best.  Andrew, the coach was more like a personal trainer in the 6pm time slot because I was the only one there. 

It was a WORK-out.  Lots of work.  Hell, even the warm-up was a work out!  But it was a good one.  I was telling a friend of mine that Andrew is one of those personal trainer/coaches that are good to have.  Its not a bunch of yelling at you to demand to do something, they are encouraging words.  I would rest for a bit and he'd say "go," I wouldn't go right away and he'd shout, "c'mon Ryan!  Let's get to work!"  Reluctantly I push myself through the set of exercises and one of them would be good and he'd say, "good!  another one like that!  don't rest you can push through it!  Great work!"  Its not a bunch of discouraging words that make me think I'm not worth the time or as good as anyone else.  I mean I know that I am not a strong person, and I'm not afraid to share that.  For one, I am not good at push-ups.  I can only do a few before my arms give up.  I told him that and he said, "ok, well do as many as you can do and when you can't do anymore, you can do modified ones."    When I did as many as I could and then finished with doing mostly modified push-ups he told me that he "would rather see you do 5 standard push-ups and then modified than none at all."

  It was a good workout and tiring.  I felt so hot and was incredibly sweaty when it was over.  I drank a lot of water after it on the drive home.

 I slept well on Friday night, which is good, because I had to get up on Saturday morning for the Wearin' of the Green Parade.

The Wearin' of the Green Parade was awesome!  It was cool to see so many people out there and people who said hello!

At the end of the parade, we took the golf carts back to the top of the hill at Hundred Oaks where the parade started.  And the coolest part was, we got a Police escort!  One of the coolest moments in my life.

Pat Shingleton puts on a great parade and is incredibly generous with those in the parade before, during and after.  I'm grateful and thankful to have been able to be a part of it.

 And then of course I had to go to work and put the Saturday forecast together.  And it was a quiet day at the station.

After the news a few of us went out to our favorite haunt and had a couple drinks and finished celebrating St. Patrick's day with an Irish car bomb.  Which has now become a tradition for me since my college days. 

Today (SUNDAY) I enjoyed sleeping in, thank God!  I needed it.  My sleep had been all out of whack since 2une In on Thursday morning.  I enjoyed the afternoon outside with some frozen yogurt near Perkins Rowe.  I got death by chocolate and added raspberries, some graham crackers and crumbled Oreo cookie bits.  #BESTFLAVORCOMBOEVER 

And the forecast today still looks like severe weather might be an issue come Tuesday night and Wednesday.  I'll be at the station Monday-Wednesday this week to help Dave and Pat when the time comes.    

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