Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day One.

My first blog post.

I've decided that at some point I should have a blog.  I don't know why I need another place to write, but I figure this might be a better outlet for longer posts than facebook.  And its hopefully going to serve me a purpose.  See for lent this year, I decided to give up fast food, (not that I eat it frequently, I usually have it about once a month or so when it is absolutely necessary) eating a lot of crap and work out more often.  I want to be able to get myself in a workout routine and keep myself on a healthy lifestyle track.  Why not start with lent??  

So I stopped getting fast food...though my one exception are hero-like sandwiches...yes they are fast, but generally sliced ham, cheese and bread are the same from my kitchen to the sub shop.  And lastly I finally got membership to a gym!  A CrossFit Gym!  A bunch of my friends from home told me about it a while ago and I tried to go often, but I just couldn't get the motivation and the drive to go regularly. BUT!  A friend of mine told me I should head back to the gym I started at and get back into it.  So I did.  Red Stick CrossFit is a nice place.  Its kind of deceiving because it is off the beaten path.  Its just off Government Street just behind The Radio Bar.  

I dropped in on Monday to start my new routine.  For now I am going to go 3 times a week.  The coach/personal trainer there, Andrew told me that's where I am going to start and then when I get acclimated and up to speed I will go for 4 times per week.  (I'm totally ok with starting slow, nothing like hurting yourself to throw a wrench in the works.)

So here's what I am going to do and those of you, which is no one right now, but those of you that follow will get to see my progress in this endeavor.  I plan on posting my weight each Monday and showing my progress in each WOD (CrossFit acronym for Workout Of the Day).  So there you have it!  And here we go!

Monday, March 12, 2012
Height 6'1" (yes, i know this won't change...just giving an idea of BMI)
Weight 201.6lbs
Waist 40"

 Today's WOD was a killer...for my thighs.  The squats, the wall ball, the kettle bell and the jump rope was enough to make them burn.  But that good burn.  Not that "MY LEG IS GOING TO FALL OFF!!" kind but the kind that you know that your legs are going, OH, thanks for deciding to use me a little bit more.  

Well that's going to do it for me...I should be tired right now, but for some reason I'm not.  Feel free to post questions, comments, etc.  I'll be happy to answer whatever I can!


  1. How long does your workout session usually last? Good luck with your new blog and keeping up with your WOD :)

  2. It depends on the WOD, but usually the workout itself is only 20-30 minutes of intense work! Who says you have to stay in the gym for hours to work out?!
